French Foods List

Every culture has their own set of foods that make them different from one another. When we talk about Indian food, we think oftandoor and spicy recipes. With Italian foods, our minds tend to revolve around delicious spaghetti and giant meatballs. As I said, each culture has its unique recipes and the cuisine is known across the world. So what comes to your mind when you think about French food? Do you automatically picture a delicious Crème brûléeor a classic like bouillabaisse? No matter what, many people have the ideology that French cuisine is one of the best and popular in the world; which is true. And with many different regions in France, no wonder the French foods' list can go on and on. In the following article, we have put together a list of famous foods which are appreciated not only in France, but across the world as well. Let's have a look.

List of Famous French Foods

You may have several reasons for searching for a list; it could be for a school project, perhaps you're visiting France in the near future, or you want the list to educate your kids. So let's not focus on the 'why' but get to the actual guide. Go through the table which gives you the actual names (French) and its translation/description in English.

Pomme frites - French fries

Steak frites - Steak and fries

Poulet frites - Chicken and fries

Blanquette de veau - French veal stew

Coq au vin - Braise of chicken

Duchess potatoes - Mix of mashed potatoes and eggs in dollop-shape

Aligot - Melted cheese blended w/mashed potatoes

Pot au feu - Beef stew w/vegetables

Bouillabaisse - Fish stew

Foie de veau - Young calf's liver

Cassoulet - Slow-cooked casserole w/mix of meat, pork skin, and white haricot beans

Socca - Chickpea crêpe

Foie gras - Dish made with duck or goose

Confit de canard - Duck confit

Baguette - Long, thin loaf of bread

Cargolade - Catalan-style escargot

Pain Poilane - Thick, round loaf of bread

Quenelle - Mix of creamed fish, meat, or chicken; combined with breadcrumbs

Crème brûlée - Broiled custard dessert with sugar

Mousse au chocolat - Chocolate mousse dessert

Mille-feuilles - Traditional French puff pastry

Gratin - Dish w/melted cheese or browned breadcrumbs for crust

Religieuse - Éclair cake of the nuns

Choux à la Crème - Cream puffs

Beef bourguignon - Beef stew made in red wine

Tartes aux fruits - Fruit tart

Madeleine - Shell-like sponge cake

Tartiflette - Dish made w/cheese, potatoes, pork, and cream

Éclair - Long, thin pastry filled with custard

Quiche - Baked custard dish w/fillings

Ratatouille - Vegetable stew

Bredela - Biscuits

Tarte flambée - Rectangle or round dough w/cream, onions, and pork

Baba au rhum - Liquor-yeast cake w/whipped cream

Panisses - Fried ckickpea flour cake

Steak au poivre - Filet mignon (steak) coated w/black peppers

Truffade - Thick shredded potato pancake

Carbonnade - Meat stew in beer

Tripes à la mode de Caen - Offal cooked in cider and calvados

Tarte Normande - Apple tart

Ficelle - Type of bread; similar to baguette

Gougère - Cheese pastry

Crêpe - Thin pancakes

Far Breton - Flan w/prunes

Kouign-amann - Round crusty cake

Boeuf Bourguigon - Beef stew in red wine

Escargot - Cooked snails

Fondue bourguignonne - Meat fondue

Raclette - Melted cheese w/potatoes, ham, and dried beef

Choucroute garnie - Sauerkraut with sausages, pork, and potatoes

Boudsavoryin - Flavored sausage

Pissaladière - Pizza-like dish

Potée Lorraine - Pork and vegetables stew

Pâté Lorrain - Pork and veal baked in puff pastry

Tarte Tatin - Caramelized apple tart

Profiteroles - Chocolate-covered hollow pastry w/cream

Gâteaux - Custard, fruit or nuts-filled cake

Baeckeoffe - Lamb, beef, and pork casserole dish

Rillettes - Salted meat, cooked in fat

Andouillette - Smoked pork sausage

Potjevleesch - Meat stew

Flamiche - Cake

Matelote - Fish stew

Moules à la crème Normande - White wine mussels

Terrinée - Rice dessert

Kig ha farz - Boiled pork w/buckwheat dumplings

Pochouse - Fish stew in red wine

I can say that I've tried a few of these dishes and they are simply delicious. With savory and unique pastries, savory meat recipes, unheard delicacies, French food is really an inspiration to many. I hope that this article on French foods' list could give you a close look at various foods.