Traditional French Food Recipes

Last year, when I had been to Paris, I got an opportunity to taste the traditional French food. Once I tasted the wonderful French cuisine, I simply fell in love with it. French food is so tempting that I am sure, I won't miss a single opportunity to enjoy it!

France is known for its rich culinary culture. French food varies from region to region, depending on the cooking style and the use of ingredients. Some basic ingredients in traditional French recipes are olive oil, vinegar, cheese, hot mustard, nutmeg, onions, garlic and wheat flour. French food reflects the rich dairy and agricultural production in the country. Today, French cuisine is popular all over the world, due to its diversity and wonderful taste.

The eastern region of France is influenced by the German food culture and its foods include ham, sausages, lard and beer. Cuisine of the coastal areas of France is known for the abundance of lobsters, mussels and sea bass. The central region and Loire valley is popular for producing fresh fruits and vegetables, which are the major ingredients of their culinary culture. Burgundy is popular for the wine production.

Regional French cuisine includes vegetables like potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, turnips, leeks and shallots. Fruits like oranges, peaches, apples, apricots, cherries, strawberries, grapes, plums and raspberries are very popular. French people prefer meats like squab, duck, goose, beef, pork, lamb and turkey, while fish like tuna, sardines, cod, salmon, shrimp, oysters and trout are their favorites. The most commonly used herbs and seasonings in French cuisine are tarragon, lavender, thyme, rosemary, sage, fennel, fleur de sel and herbes de Provence. Some of the most popular traditional dishes in France are breads like ficelle, pain poilane and baguette, savory dishes like steak frites, Coq au vin, Boudin blanc, Poulet frites, Bouillabaisse, Blanquette de veau and Pot au feu, and desserts like Mousse au chocolat, Tarte Tatin, Tartes aux fruits, Choux à la Crème, Madeleine and Mille-feuilles.

French breakfast is like a quick meal that includes eggs or ham, croissants, jam and butter, along with tea or coffee. Children are served with hot chocolate. Breakfast is generally taken in cafes that open early in the morning. A French meal is typically served in three main courses; starters like soup, main course and cheese or desserts like fresh fruits. In addition, France is known for the delightful, sparkling French wine. It is one of the largest producers of wine in the world. Several regions of France including Alsace, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Corsica, Loire and Savoy are popular for producing good quality red and white wine.

By now you must be eager to prepare traditional French dishes at home. Here are some delicious traditional French food recipes.

Chocolate Mousse Recipe

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 7 oz bittersweet chocolate, melted and kept lukewarm
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

In a small saucepan, heat about 2/3 cup of cream, until it starts steaming. In another mixing bowl, mix together sugar and egg yolks. Then add half of the hot cream and keep on whisking, until it blends well. Pour this egg-cream mixture into hot cream in the saucepan and cook it on low flame and keep stirring. Then remove it from the heat and add melted chocolate and vanilla extract. Refrigerate the chocolate custard for chilling.

Meanwhile, beat the remaining 1-1/3 cup of cream in a mixing bowl. Add ½ cup of whipped cream to the chilled chocolate custard. Stir well and then add the remaining cream. When it is mixed well, serve it chilled.

Moules Marinieres Recipe

  • 5 lb fresh mussels
  • Bunch of parsley sprigs
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cups dry white wine
  • 1/2 tsp bay leaf
  • 1/6 tsp pepper
  • 1/4 tsp thyme

First, rinse the mussels under running water for about 10 minutes. Fill a kettle with wine along with parsley, onion and herbs. Allow it to boil for about 3 minutes. Following this, add mussels and cover the kettle. Boil it again for about 5 minutes over high heat. Stir it once or twice in order to move the mussels from top to bottom. When the shells are opened, remove the kettle from the heat and sprinkle with parsley. Serve it with bread and butter.

You can try these delicious traditional French food recipes for family dinners or weekend parties. Bon appetit!